Product Training
Program Name
The Director Certificate Program( From Strategic Vision to Effective Implementation)
The GM Certificate Program ( Managing organization with efficiency)
Advanced Selling Skill for Sales Executive
Basic Selling Skill Program
Effective Problems Solving Program
Time Management Program
Advanced Marketing Strategy Program
Management in Aftersales Business
Sales Strategy Management in New Car Sales Business. (SSMB)
Dealer Financials: From financial Strategy Planning to Dealer’s profit.
Professional Service Advisor Program
Consultative Selling Program
Program Name
Customer Orientation and Boosting Satisfaction Program
Voice of Customers Program.
Product Excellent Certificate Program
Up selling Program in Aftersales Business Program.
Leadership and People Management Program
Recruiting Program
Strategic and Sustainability for Organization Program.
Competencies and Retail HR Focus Training Program
Coaching and Counselling Program
The Director Certificate Program. ( From Strategic Vision to Effective Implementation)
Program Name:
The Director Certificate Program . ( From Strategic Vision to Effective Implementation)
Target Group
Dealer Principal. Business Owner , Director , GM and Senior Manager.
To understand strategic management and planning dimension. Discussing, how to create competitive advantage profitability in the long term and to the survival of your dealership. Develop your mission, vision, strategic, objectives goals and KPIs with effectiveness. To be able to build a strategic plan base on the right situation.
To be able to execute your strategy and manage its performance
Duration 3 days.
Face to Face Training
Run Program By.
Dr. Sookchok Th
- Mission and Visionary of Car Dealer Company.
- Strategic Analysis,
- Strategic level.
- Identifying car dealer strategic position.
- Strategic Choices and Strategic Alternative.
- Identify the right strategy for organization.
- Strategy Map and Dealer Business Development Plan.
- Strategic Objective and Strategic goals
- Dealer Business Plan.(DBP).
- Effective Action plan(Dealer Operation Plan)
The GM Certificate Program (Managing Organization with Effectiveness )
Program Name:
The GM Certificate Program (Managing Organization with Effectiveness )
Target Group
Sales Director , Marketing Director, General Manager and Senior Manager.
The certification training program for General Managers is designed to ensure that General Managers are well-prepare in a very short time to perform the crucial task of “managing a retail business focused on the needs of an auto dealer.
The participants acquire essential knowledge, skills and personal attributes in the following areas: Knowledge and skills are specific to the automotive dealer business group. KPIs, Process, Business management in sales and aftersales business for growth.
To be able to execute your strategy and manage its performance
Duration 5 days
Face to Face Training
Run Program By.
Dr. Sookchok Th
- General Management in Dealer.
- Business Management in New Car Sales Business
- Business Management in Aftersales Business
- PKIs in Sales and Aftersales Management]
- Operation Process Management in Car Dealer.
Sales Strategy Management in New Car Sales Business .(SSMB)
Program Name:
Sales Strategy Management in New Car Sales Business ( SSMB)
Target Group
All Sales Managers and Sales Directors
You will learn a systematic procedure for monitoring the Sales department.
You will learn how to use key sales performance indicators.
You will know what the individual KPI tell you,
how they are calculated and what they are affected by.
You will be familiar with the planning phase of the management cycle.
You know the meaning of the most important KPI figures and the factors they are influenced by.
You will learn how to break down your sales targets among the individual sales people and how to use figures to control your sales staff.
You will be familiar with the monitoring tasks in the management cycle and know how and how often to monitor performance appropriately in the Sales department and what measures you can introduce
Duration 3 days.
Face to Face Training
Run Program by:
Dr.Sookchok Th
- Sales Strategy Management cycle.
- KPIs Management.
- Factors that affect key performance indicators.
- Sales Planning tasks.
- Steering of sales staff and Tactics.
- Monitoring
Basic Selling Skill Training Program.
Program Name:
Basic Selling Skill Training Program
Target Group
All Sales Advisors or Sales Representatives
know an effective strategy for successful sales discussions
know how to implement this strategy in an ideal manner
know how to positively start a sales discussion
can understand the lead’s needs with a few targeted questions.
can handle objections well.
know the ideal way to design a test drive
discover the advantages of financial services for their work.
negotiate using an efficient strategy.
know how to approach the various phases of price negotiation in an ideal manner.
can increase and reinforce the satisfaction of the customer with their new car in a targeted manner.
Duration 2 days
Face to Face Training
Run Program By.
Dr.Sookchok Th
- Sales Strategy,
- Starting The sales Discussion.
- Need Analysis
- Product Presentation.
- Test Drive
- Price negotiation.
- Professional Vehicle Delivery
Advanced Training for Sales Executives Program.
Program Name:
Advanced Training for Sales Executives Program
Target Group
Sales Representative or Sales Executives
The aim of this module is to actively implement prospecting activities in everyday sales work. Depending on implementation practices, at least 2-3 new contacts should be made per week in the short term by field staff on site with the potential customers concerned.
Participants recognize the necessity of generating new contacts. They deal with personal inhibitions, discuss opportunities for acquiring addresses and receive concrete support as to how to carry out prospecting talks. Consistent follow-up and address and information management are regarded as integral components of the new customer prospecting process.
Duration 3 days.
Face to Face Training
Run Program By.
Dr.Sookchok Th
- Conquest .
- Customer Analysis
- Test Drive .
- Negotiation
- Close of Sale.
Time Management Program.
Program Name:
Time Management Program
Target Group
All Managers and Head of Department.
The participants will :
Will recognise the significance of successful time management.
Will be aware of typical mistakes in managing time
Will become aware of the typical mistakes he makes in time management ,
Will be motivated to apply these methods in future
Will be able to use a method of priority analysis to perform his tasks more effectively ,
Will recognise the relationship between time management and objectives , will be able to describe the criteria for the definition of objectives,
Will have the intention to expand his strengths and work on his weaknesses,
Will know the core content of the Pareto principle
Duration 2 days
Face to Face Training
Run Program by;
Dr.Sookchok Th
- Shortage of Time and Self assessment.
- Your personal attitude toward time
- Chronic procrastination/ Eisenhower principle.
- Relationship between time management and objectives .
- Objectives and setting objectives/ Objectives / Means analysis .
- Pareto principle / Technique for setting clear objectives .
- Management cycle / Priority checklist/ A contract with myself .
- Plan of action
Effective Problem Solving Program.
Program Name:
Effective Problem Solving Program.
Target Group
All Managers and faced Customers staff
Know the benefit of problem solving method.
Understand the importance of problems solving for their daily business.
The participants are aware that the adequate solution of customer problem contributes greatly to customer satisfaction and royalty.
Duration 1 days
Face to Face Training
Run Program By:
Dr. Sookchok Th
- Problem Solving
- Why is problem solving important to me and my dealership?
- What is problem solving?
- Problem solving approach
- Action planning and close
Advanced Marketing Strategy for Car Dealer
Program Name:
Advanced Marketing Strategy for Car Dealer
Target Group
General Managers, Sales Managers and Marketing Managers.
Definition of marketing and its importance for the dealership. What differentiates us from competitors? What are the customers interested in? Are we using all possible options to reach customers?
Model procedure for successful dealership marketing. Marketing planning at the dealership level. Success analysis and exchange of best practice. Possible improvements. Producing an individual marketing plan for your dealership
Most important steps in operational marketing for acquisition and loyalty.
Duration 4 days.
Face to Face Training
Run Program by:
Dr.Sookchok Th
- Marketing in The Dealership.
- The Dealership as a Brand.
- Marketing Plan
- Best Practice and Sucess Factors.
- Implementing Marketing Measure and Digital Marketing.
- Monitoring The Marketing.
- Coorperation in The Dealer
Business Management in Aftersales Business Program.
Program Name:
Business Management in Aftersales Business.
Target Group
All aftersales Managers
The participants learn to calculate profit potential in service based on KPIs.
Through focused analysis and defined measures and actions this will enable the service department to become an even more reliable profit center
Duration 3 days.
Face to Face Training
Run Program by:
Dr.Sookchok Th
- Introduction to Business Management
- Principle of Time Recording
- KPIs in Aftersales Business and Management
- Key Success in Aftersales and How to manage it.
- Turn over Capacity in Aftersales Service
- Price sales Calculation.
- Cost Control
- Remuneration system in Aftersales
Dealer Financials: From Financial Strategy Planning to Dealer’s Profit
Program Name:
Dealer Financials: From Financial Strategy Planning to Dealer’s Profit.
Target Group
General Managers and Finance Managers
Session 1: Learning the fundamentals of financial management in the context of CAR Dealerships.
Session 2: Learning how to steer the specific performance drivers for optimizing the RoS of a Car Dealership.
Duration 4 days.
Face to Face Training
Run Program by:
Dr.Sookchok Th
- Session 1 Learning the fundamentals: –
- Difference between financial & management accounting
- Planning and budgeting
- Management through dealer dealership-specific KPIs
- Breakdown of KPIs (from 1st to the 4th leadership level)
- Managing Change
- Implementing performance improvements
- Managing of Price System
- Session 2: Learning how to steer:
- Analyzing own or real-world Business Cases on profit drivers
- Peer-to-peer case consulting
- Dealership action planning
- … – … could lead to individual mentoring
Professional Service Advisor Program.
Program Name:
Professional Service Advisor Program
Target Group
Service Advisors for car dealer.
The main focus of this training is to increase the selling skills of the participants as well as to increase the turnover of labor sales units and parts and accessories.
Duration 6 days
Face to Face Training
Run Program by;
Dr.Sookchok Th
- Job Description of the Professional Service Advisor
- What dose Selling Mean
- Successful Selling to the Service Customer
- Selling in the Service Department.
- Vehicle Fault and Reading the Cars.
- Questioning Technic and Team Work.
- Objection / Excuse
Module 2:
- Self Motivation
- Service Receipt at the Car
- Vehicle Return
- Telephone Customer Contact
- Dealing with Price Inquiries
- Aftersales Support
- Customer Perspectives
- Implementation Agreement.
Consultative Selling Program.
Program Name:
Consultative Selling Program.
Target Group
Sales Representative or Sales Executives
The participants will understand the different between traditional and consultative selling methods. They will learn the key elements of consultative selling and how to apply them in customer interactions. They will understand how consultative selling builds more customer trust and loyalty by making the Aftersales process a win-win situation for both parties. The participants will realize the importance of knowing why customers buy and how to apply this information to the customer handling process and will learn how to apply the ‘Feature / Advantage / Benefit / Visuals’ presentation process when introducing additional service and parts offerings to customers.
Duration 2 days.
Face to Face training
Run Program By:
Dr. Sookchok Th
- Ice Breaker’ Relationship Challenged and Disadvantage Exercise.
- What can you sells?
- WIN WIN Self evaluation
- Why Customer buy “ Discussion”
- Effective Question .
- Feature/ Advantage/ Benefit/ Visual Presentation Exercise.
- Debrief and Dismiss
Customer Orientation and Boosting Customer Satisfaction Program.
Program Name:
Customer Orientation and Boosting Customer Satisfaction Program.
Target Group
Aftersales Managers, Service Advisor, Service Assistance and All customer facing staffs
Know the meaning and importance of Customer Orientation.
Know essential factors of success in achieving the highest possible level of customer satisfaction.
Be familiar with the different customer expectations.
Can identify the different demands of their customers and can use suitably measures.
-Know concrete measures for fulfilling customer expectations within the Aftersales Processes and for taking customer oriented action.
Know their role and their responsibilities as an Aftersales Manager in actively promoting customer orientation in Aftersales and at the dealership.
Duration 3 days
Face to Face Training
Run Program by;
Dr.Sookchok Th
- What is Customer Orientation?
- Customer Satisfaction, a Key to Loyal Customers. From theory to practice:
- Delight your customer .
- Customer Oriented
- Action at the Moments of Truth.
- Promoting Customer Orientation in Aftersales and sales at the Dealership.
- Action Plan.
Voice of Customer Program.
Program Name:
Voice of Customer Program
Target Group
All faced Customers staff and Management team.
To offer an insight into the Voice of the Customer (VoC) approach and its core operation.
To make clear the impact a sales advisor has on the outcome of the VoC, rating and verbatim.
To develop specific and positive actions to support the goal of nurturing promoters.
- What is Voice of the Customer and the Net Promoter Score?
- Goals of Voice of the Customer?
- My role within the VoC approach.
Duration 1 days.
Face to Face Training
Run Program by:
Dr.Sookchok Th
- NPS and the importance of the score.
- Goals of the approach.
- Dealer responsibilities.
- Importer or NSC responsibilities.
- My defined responsibilities as a Quality Officer
Product Excellent Program.
Program Name:
Product Excellent Program
Target Group
All Product Excellent Officers.
Will learn more about their importance an position in a Dealership.
Will get an impression about their daily business.
Will know about the who is who in a Dealership. know what selling does mean for car dealership .
Which expectations to fulfil . Understanding the different areas of selling.
Who is involved
What happens why and when
know what selling is. know the key terms in sales. know the importance of a positive attitude.
Will know about their role comparing to a sales advisor. Will define the importance of a good team work regarding the sales process.
Will define the importance of a well done handover to sales executive.
Will learn about the right moment of handover to sales.
Duration 5 days.
Face to Face Training
Run Program by:
Dr.Sookchok Th
- Product Excellent Role
- Customer and Sales Process
- Need Analyse
- Product Presentation
- Test Drive and Handover.
- Automotive Technology
Up Selling in Aftersales Program
Program Name:
Up Selling in Aftersales Program
Target Group
Service Advisors or All service faced customer staffs
The participants will create their own ‘Preparation Process’ to be used when preparing for the arrival of an expected service or parts customer.
The participants will understand how addressing the customer’s initial concerns first helps build trust and sets the stage for additional service, parts or accessories recommendations later on in the process.
The participants will understand the importance of having a solid understanding of a customer’s personality type and vehicle usage tendencies before attempting an Aftersales product or service recommendation
Duration 4 days
Face to Face Training
Run Program by;
Dr.Sookchok Th
- Getting a Great start.
- Uncovering Customers Needs
- Making a FABulous Recommendation & Presentation.
- Effectively Answering Customers Objections and Excuses.
- Asking for the Order.
Leadership and Personnel Management Program.
Program Name:
Leadership and Personnel Management Program.
Target Group
All Sales and Aftersales Managers
You will be familiar with different leadership styles and will identify your own leadership style.
You will be familiar with the core tasks, influence factors and tools connected to steering of a sales and Aftersales team.
You will be familiar with the principles of results oriented personnel management and know about the significance of consistency and monitoring in leadership.
You will be able to identify your own leadership style.
You will know tools that enable you to manage and lead your sales staff effectively.
You will develop a detailed matrix of motives and be able to improve your sales and aftersales staff’s performance.
Duration 3 days
Face to Face Training
Run Program by;
Dr.Sookchok Th
- Leadership styles,
- Leadership Task and Tools,
- Requirements and tasks of a manager,
- The three areas of management quality,
- Business strategy and management model,
- Individual motives and motivation.
- Guidelines for target agreement dialogue and target monitoring.
- Empowerment, Delegation and Conflict management
Recruiting Program
Program Name:
Recruiting Program
Target Group
Sales Manager or General Manager.
Making the right choices when filling positions.
Avoiding the cost of a wrong decision.
Skills profiles as a decision-making basis.
Targeted salesperson recruitment.
Defining and applying objective selection criteria.
Preparing for and conducting
interviews effectively. Selecting the right candidate.
Rapid integration
of new salespeople and initiation of productive activities.
Motivating and keeping good salespeople.
Duration 2 days.
Face to Face Training
Run Program by:
Dr.Sookchok Th
- Need analysis and Staff Planning
- Turn Over Cost
- Skill Profile For Salespeople.
- Salesperson Search and Channel
- Employee Selection
- Structure Interview with applicants
- Integration of Salespeople
- Keeping a good salespeople.
Strategies and Sustainability for Car Dealership Program.
Program Name:
Strategies and Sustainability for Car Dealership Program.
Target Group
All Managers
will understand what is meant by sustainability.
will understand how to analyse dealerships’ events based on the sustainability point of view.
will be familiar with the sustainability objectives and sustainability strategy of the car dealers.
will know what sustainability measures could potentially be taken in the dealership.
will know how sustainability measures can be implemented so that they can be experienced by customers in the dealership.
will know how to promote and support the topic of sustainability in their areas of responsibility, and will have an action plan for this.
will know how sustainability measures can be implemented so that they can be experienced by customers in the dealership.
Duration 1.5 days.
Face to Face Training
Run Program by:
Dr.Sookchok Th
- Sustainability Definition.
- Sustainability Objectives and Strategy of the car dealership.
- Sustainability activities in the Dealership.
- Actively informing customers in Sales and Aftersales about sustainability activities
- Action plan.
Retail HR Training
Program Name:
Retail HR Training
Target Group
General Manager, Sales Manager Aftersales Manager, and Marketing Manager
Understands the fundamental role of good personnel management and is capable of explaining it based on his personal managerial role at the Dealership. Knows the Scope of Retail HR as a whole. Understands the fundamental meaning, effects and the advantages of Retail HR Employer Branding , Recruiting, Employee Ramp Up, Annual Appraisal Process as well as Development Center, Foundation and Focus Training and can describe the correlations between the programmes
Duration 1.5 days.
Face to Face Training
Run Program by:
Dr.Sookchok Th
Employer Branding
Competency Model
Employee Ramp Up
Annual Appraisal Process
Development Center
Foundation & Focus Training
Coaching and Counselling Program
Program Name:
Coaching and Counselling
Target Group
General Manager, Sales Manager Aftersales Manager, and Marketing Manager
The participants will understand what coaching and counselling employees entails. They will learn how to establish trust and rapport with employees and how it benefits both employees and managers.
They will recognize the importance of providing clear directions and expectations to employees and understand the power of praise when dealing with employees and learn how and when to give it.
The participants will learn that not all employees are motivated by the same things and that the most powerful motivators are internal and understand how to effectively use and give constructive feedback rather than direct criticism.
Duration 2 days.
Face to Face Training
Run Program by:
Dr.Sookchok Th
Building Block 1:
Initial welcome exercise, objectives, agenda, ice breaker, debrief.
Building Block 2:
Trust and rapport concepts, role play and debrief
Building Block 3:
Clarity exercise and debrief
Building Block 4:
Praise concepts, exercise and debrief
Building Block 5:
Motivation concepts, exercise and poker game
Building Block 6:
Counselling and constructive feedback exercise and debrief
Building Block 7: Conclusion